Friday, December 3, 2010

Blessings will show in time

Today I have to pause and thank my Heavenly Father for blessing my life with amazing people. There are three (or four, maybe five..) things in particular that have happened in the past 24 or so hours that have made my heart leap.

1) I have a hard time with feelings of rejection and loneliness, especially when I feel like I've tried really hard to make connections. So, there are some people that I get really frustrated with and pretty upset over. (Thing # 1 I'm trying to work on, being patient with people). I got an email yesterday, from someone close, that couldn't have come at a better time. I thank her for taking time to engage me. Short though it may have been, it asked about me and how I was doing. Which is something I've been needing so badly, to feel like I exists to people.
2) Again, I've been struggling with feelings of not being accepted in some realms. But I got a text from someone yesterday wanting to find some time to spend with each other before they moved away. It was a note from the right person at the right time.
3) Last night I suddenly realized just how unprepared for the childbirth process I am. I only have four more months and haven't even begun truly researching birthing methods other than medicated versus natural (which by they way I am planning natural, don't talk me out of it). And I just got completely overwhelmed! I have so many questions, many of them I can't ask family because I want to do things in a less traditional to them way, and they are as clueless as I am. But I put a post on Facebook about how overwhelmed I was and I got a flood of messages and responses giving me helpful advice. I don't really like Facebook, but when I got on this morning I started to cry from all the helpful responses. And I'm sure being pregnant wasn't at all the reason I started to cry.
4) I have one friend that I haven't know for long and really haven't spent much time with, but there was one of those soul sister type of connections. I haven't heard from her in a while, but she messaged me last night and made me feel so empowered. And while I am still in need of study and research, I don't feel nearly as overwhelmed. There are great people who are always around and wanting to help.
5) I kind of realized that my sister has been completely amazing my entire pregnancy. Other than she's lending me tons of stuff that I can't afford, she's been supportive and excited the whole time. She's always telling me what a cute baby bump I have. And she talks to her little niece in there. She answers as well she can all my stupid first time mom questions ("Is this supposed to hurt like this?" "Yes, Julia, you're fine..."). So I have much to be thankful for with her.
6) As part of my religious beliefs and practices we are encouraged to attend the temple whenever we can. Usually I try to go with my husband but he's been super busy with school and work and we haven't been able to find time together. And so I go alone. But today I was able to go with both my mom and dad. It was so nice and special to share that morning with them.

So moral of today's story... Be patient, and keep your eyes open. There are blessings all around us, waiting to descend at the right time. God knows what we need when we need it. We just need to be ready to receive it with gladness and a thankful heart. What have you seen God bless your life with recently?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing these wonderful posts about gratitude. I think it is a very great thing you are doing. If you don't mind, I'm going to post a link to this blog from mine. Reading your posts and looking at my own life and experiences with more gratitude will be such a blessing.
