Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Just Dance!

I have a friend that I met in college that is doing a project that gives me hope.

Step By Step: Dance Across America

He is passionate about dancing. He wants to follow his dreams. I am thankful for anyone who follows dreams. A life without dreams is well... boring. And so my first note of gratitude is for those who find passion in life and do something about it. What would our country be without people of passion? Following dreams is what creates. And without creation, we only have destruction. Dreams = passion = creation. Creation is what makes the world work! Super happy about that. Granted, I am a sucker for dancing. So anything that deals with dancing, I'm in.

Next, my friend realizes that he has been given a gift by God. And he wants to use that gift to bless the lives of others. I am so thankful for people who realize and understand the gifts they have been given. Once you realize that its from God, you are so much more willing to do with that gift what He would want, which always blesses the lives of others. And isn't that the point of the blessings we have been given, to use them to bless others?

Third, he is trying to help others achieve their passions and dreams. A large part of his project is donated to searching for others who need help realizing their blessings. This is what I am most thankful about. The idea that there are, in this crazy, scary world, people who look for ways to bless others. There is a lot of scary today. There is a vast amount of selfishness and hate. But when you look, there is also a vast amount of service. There is hope in the world. There are people who want the best for others, not just themselves.

And to finish it off, I am thankful for dance! I have done almost every kind of dance out there. My heart will always belong to ballet. But I love pretty much all of it. I really love the kind of dancing you do by yourself when a great song comes on the radio. Maybe that's a silly thing to be thankful for. But its just one of the tender mercies that Heavenly Father has granted us. Along with flowers and music and libraries, dance is a blessing. God has put so many things on earth for us to find joy in. So, lets revel in those things. Lets really embrace them and show God how thankful we are to Him for the things He has provided for us.

1 comment:

  1. I was dancing in the kitchen the other night, and my socks were making funny swishy sounds. It made me happy. :-) It also made my father-in-law curious, so he finally called from the other room to find out what I was doing, lol. He laughed when I told him what it was...
